Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Clutter Blocks Creativity

As a creativity coach, one of the first things I ask a client who is struggling to find time for the things they love is this: "Describe your desk/office for me." More times than not, the description includes clutter or papers needing to be filed, or comments like, "I would really like my space to . . ." or "I really should clear/clean . . ."

Clutter blocks creativity. It's like trying to see something when a fly keeps buzzing in front of your eyes. It is distracting! So, if you are having difficulty finding time to be creative, look at your creative space -- your office, your desk, your sewing table, etc. Ask yourself what is distracting you in other ways (are there any "shoulds" you have been putting off?) What do you see? Taking time to clear the clutter will free up more than just the space you see. It will free up your thoughts as well, allowing more space for the creative juices to flow.

I have created a little questionnaire that helps ask questions about clutter in various places in our lives and the energy that may be going in those directions instead of in creative channels. I will share that in my next blog post.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bring Your Creativity Home

I just adored watching this youtube video on taking a run down cottage and making it live again. I hope it will inspire you as well!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

If I could go back in time, I would . . .

As a creativity coach, I generally discourage the use of the words "could have," "should have," or "would have" because they put the emphasis on the negative. They are cousins of "if only." Those words are not always productive. That's when negativity overshadows objectivity.

However, it can be a great exploration to consider what might have been a hope deferred -- remembering some of the creativity of earlier days, perhaps as a child. To ask yourself, how would my life be different if I had followed a different path might, in this case, allow you to ask bigger questions such as "Why not now?" or "What could I do to engage in that in a different way now?" or "How can I include that creative part of myself now?"

Further exploration might be to sit quietly and ponder this question: "What were you doing as a child or teenager where you were so engrossed and filled with energy in the process that you lost all track of time?"

Friday, September 11, 2009

But, My Art Won't Pay the Bills. . . .

Have you ever felt that way? That what you really love to do is not viable? That you can't justify the time and energy to do something that won't pay the bills? Why is that? Where do we get that idea?

I've been pondering those questions myself. But, with the economic downturn, I have actually turned to my art -- both as a way to make a little money to help -- and, even more importantly, because I NEED to be creative. It is one of the things that brings me joy! Here's something I recently made.